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The mini-test consists of twelve statements. For each statement, indicate to what extent this applies to you. The  1 stands for 'strongly disagree', 4 for 'neither agree/nor disagree' and 7 for 'strongly agree'. In the end you will see a final score with the most relevant pages for you and our advice!

Thinking with whom I may or may not build political alliances in my company or by my customers/clients is not very important to me.

Building on my strengths and letting go my weaknesses is the best path to commercial success.

My performance at work is largely determined by my genetic predisposition and there is little I can do about who I am.

I let my innate talents blossom, but I must not learn to deal with adversity or develop resilience.

I only want to work in a company or visit customers where there is a genuine family culture.

If I lose an order with the customer then it is better that I simply accept it, I find it embarrassing to ask the customer why he rejected my order.

The art of commercial success is learning the basic skills which I then never question or refine through further training.

When I disagree with someone I don't show patience to understand their perspective but I always start to defend my own views even if that sometimes lead to escalations

People mainly make their decisions 80% unconsciously and so I listen to and act mainly based on what my intuition tells me.

Setting long term career goals makes little sense to me, I believe more in “going with the flow” and so I just watch what comes my way and act accordingly.

My work always must give me pleasure, otherwise I will simply look for opportunities where I can attain immediate pleasure.

Writing a blog myself about my developments in my industry is not important, I prefer to leave that to the PR department of my company and then I will forward it to my customer/clients.

Hogeschool Leiden
Hogeschool Rotterdam
Groeneveld Academy
Professional Capital
Izebrand Management & Coaching
Het sales centrum
Sales met inzicht

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